Inspiring Environmental Stewardship Through Art


At the Philipson Foundation, we believe that art has the power to inspire positive change. We support artists and organizations that are dedicated to preserving public lands and promoting environmental stewardship through their creative expressions.

Join us in our mission to protect public lands and promote environmental stewardship through the transformative power of art. Apply for a grant, attend a workshop, volunteer with us, or make a donation today. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our planet remains a beautiful and sustainable place for generations to come.

Programs and Initiatives 
We provide financial grants, artist residencies, and educational opportunities that allow creative individuals to connect with the environment and engage communities in conservation efforts. Our programs include:

  • Grant Programs: Funding projects that showcase our public lands, educate the public about environmental issues, and encourage sustainable practices.
  • Workshops and Exhibitions: Hosting various workshops, seminars, and exhibitions that explore the intersection of art and environmental conservation.
  • Network and Collaborations: Facilitating networking events and opportunities for artists, organizations, and supporters to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.
  • Partnership and Advocacy: Actively collaborating with organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and private for-profit organizations to amplify our impact and promote our mission.
  • Volunteer and Community Engagement: Creating opportunities for community members and supporters to engage with our mission through volunteer work, such as helping with events, assisting in restoration projects, or participating in educational programs.
  • Mentorship and Support: Providing mentorship and guidance to grant recipients and participating artists to help them develop their projects and navigate the challenges of working in the environmental and artistic sectors.

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